February 3, 2010

Anyone out there LOVE photos, LOVE socializing with friends, LOVE getting out of the house on a boring Thursday night!?  The Photographic Resource Center at B.U. (PRC) is hosting a PhotoSLAM.  It’s kind of a poetry slam, but with photos instead.  I’ll be there showing 5 of my favorite photos along with a bunch of other PRC members and photographers.  The crowd gets to vote on who has the best photos by cheering.  Noisiest photo wins! 

The PRC website states “Clear your schedules, photo enthusiasts—it’s time for another PRC PhotoSLAM! The PhotoSLAM is a digital slide show of ALL submitted photographs—a showcase of the talent within the PRC membership… bring your friends and narrate your entries the day of the slam; and make as much noise as you can to help select the winners.

This event fills up every time they have it so get there early.  Here’s the info:


Thursday March, 4th at 7pm

at The Wonder Bar 617 351 2665 | 186 Harvard Ave. Allston MA 02134

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