Think Happy Thoughts

January 18, 2010

If you lost control of your hand and it started punching you in the face… you’d quickly find a way to control your hand.  So why don’t we control our mind when it hurts us?  It sounds obvious but people let their minds beat themselves up all day long.  We think poorly of ourselves, that we’re not as good as we thought we were, that we’re not that smart or thin enough. 

Today’s happy thought is inspired by author T. Harv Eker.  Often times it’s difficult for people to maintain this idea of always thinking positively.  What helped me was the idea that thoughts are neither positive or negative, just a brain synapse.  Some of them serve us and some make our lives more difficult.  If we think  poorly of ourselves, we feel bad too.  Then we say the wrong thing, take the wrong actions and ultimately create negative consequences.  Today I’m going to notice when I have negative thoughts and exchange them with thoughts that serve me and that are healthy.

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