Archive for the ‘baby’ Category

This family won the photo session that I auctioned off at the Shannon Crowley Benefit. The event was a success. Our hearts and best wishes are with that beautiful little girl and her family. In continuation of positivity, I was able to capture a few special moments for this family with our traveling studio. All of these photos were taken at this family’s home. It’s amazing what beautiful pictures can be taken in a small corner of your home. Are you still going to Babies-R-Us or the Mall for your kids pictures? We can come to your home, where your kids are most comfortable. Guaranteed, we’ll get the happy, naturally smiling photo that you’re looking for. If your kids have a meltdown that day and we don’t get any usable photos, we’ll re-schedule at no additional charge. It’s still not too late for Holiday photos but it’s getting close…. call today 617.930.4632.

So Stinkin’ Cute

November 16, 2008

I couldn’t help but remember this baby’s Mom saying “So stinkin’ cute” which is so true! : ) Baby Helana was charming and a great subject. You might remember this couples’ pregnancy shoot, Daddy Does Dishes Too. They are a totally fun couple, congrats to Karen, Greg and Helana!

So Stinkin’ Cute

November 16, 2008

I couldn’t help but remember this baby’s Mom saying “So stinkin’ cute” which is so true! : ) Baby Helana was charming and a great subject. You might remember this couples’ pregnancy shoot, Daddy Does Dishes Too. They are a totally fun couple, congrats to Karen, Greg and Helana!

Baby Boy Brown

October 28, 2008

This little bugger is pretty cute huh? Just having a baby myself, I understand the need to get photos taken but may not necessarily want to truck on down to a photo studio. That’s why we make house calls! These photos were taken at this family’s home, with our traveling photo studio. If you’re looking for holiday cards, time is running short so book your photo session today! For more info email

Autumn Baby, Awesome

October 21, 2008

Here are a few pictures from our photo shoot a couple of days ago. This beautiful baby girl turns 1 around now. An autumn baby just like my own! : ) If you’re interested in baby portraits these are the last few days available so schedule your photo session today!

Interested in family portraits? These few photos were taken last week at the client’s home. Mom and Dad have a beautifully manicured garden in the backyard which made it such an easy place to shoot. At Dias Photography we have a simple, portable lighting kit that allows us to get such perfect photos wherever we go. Our fall schedule is booking up quickly so if you’re looking for holiday cards…. the sooner the better : )

Our Own Baby Story

September 19, 2008

Teresa and I had a birth plan but were ready to throw it out the window… you know what they say about the best laid plans. It’s 10 am on a warm September, Monday morning as we drive down Storrow Dr. towards Mt. Auburn hospital. No traffic, no rush, no panic but a calm ride to the birthing center.

The sun was climbing as we noticed the minute details of the day. The green trees that were just beginning to turn, the confident wind that blew against us…. this day will be lived and re-lived. We planned on having a natural child birth, meaning no pain killers, no labor inducing hormones, just a healthy respect for mother nature. Her contractions were increasingly close together so it was clear the baby Aviva was on her way…. soon! My mother and Father-in-law showed up around noon. They’re some pretty amazing folks themselves, a strong intelligent woman paired with a caring and sensitive man. Just about 2pm her best friend arrives, another independent, free willed woman. Just the kind of energy we would like our baby to be surrounded by as she enters the world.

The pain appeared to be intense, but Teresa did an amazing job relaxing, breathing and allowing her body to do the work. I have always had a great respect and admiration for strong women. What I experienced has blown me away. Teresa my fiance and new mother has shown me what strength really means. 5:30 pm and 7 hours after our arrival, Aviva Luna Dias arrives in her fullest glory.

I wept, I sobbed, I felt like I was on a first date with a new love at Grand Central Station, in a football stadium. The air was electric and full. It was dreamy, and surreal like time didn’t exist and all of Aviva’s experiences, moments, highlights have all been created at once. It was like she just learned to walk or read, or her 8th birthday party just happened, or the elusive moment when she just found her passion. All of time condensed into this moment. This is what life is all about.

Shorty after that Aviva meets the three women of greatest influence in my life. My loving mother and two sisters. If love, wisdom and health were a measure of wealth, we had nearly an embarrassment of riches. Aviva and Mom were healthy and lucid, high on the Love Drug and not any other. I looked clear into my baby’s eyes as she looked back. Again, I cried. The most beautiful, most amazing intelligent baby ever…. our baby!

We’re Having a Baby….

September 15, 2008

….Today! It appears that all systems are go. Teresa and I are on our way to the hospital. Hopefully all will go well and we’ll return with our beautiful baby. Check back later for Aviva’s first photo shoot… at the hospital! All phone calls and email we’ll be returned as soon as possible : )

Karate Kid

August 14, 2008

Congrats to this young fellow who just received his black belt in Karate. Mom and Dad who have done such a great job as parents, said that Karate has given him much more confidence, discipline and athleticism. I was also able to get some great photos of his little brother. They’re both super cute kids! Here a just a few photos from the photo session.

Daddy Does Dishes Too!

July 31, 2008

Yay, this was fun! Yesterday I had a pregnancy photo session with Karen and Greg. Because they’re a fun couple and appreciate lighthearted humor, we decided to create Daddy Does Dishes! I also have to thank Greg for being a good sport and obliging my requests.