Archive for the ‘Zukas’ Category

Kate and Kyle’s Wedding

October 3, 2007

Kate and Kyle had a beautiful country style wedding at Zukas Farms in Spencer, MA. I was also especially thrilled with this wedding because I was able to create some new imagery for the couple. In an effort to continually progress as a wedding photographer and artist, I tried something new. In the second photo you can see the floral graphic
element that I added. Often times you will see other styles of art incor-
porated in wedding photo-
graphy, but hardly ever will you see graphic
elements such as these. This particular style is a unique expression that I have been enjoying recently. Surely, you will see more of this in the future as the aesthetic becomes more widespread. Luckily you can see it here first!

Tips for Formal Pictures

August 21, 2007

If you think you may have a lot of wedding day formal photos that need to be taken, here are a few tips that would help make things go more smoothly.

The first thing would be to make a list of the formal pictures that you want taken. Discuss with your photo-
grapher where you may want the pictures taken and any issues that may arise.

Second, effectively communicate before-hand, to all of the people in the formal pictures, where they need to be and when. Then remind them again, the day of the wedding. Often times it takes a while to get people together at the formal picture area. After the ceremony people naturally tend to scatter as they get a drink or go to the restroom.

The third thing would be to enlist someone in the family or someone who knows most of the people involved. Give them a copy of the formal picture list and have them get people “on deck” or ready for the next photo.

Doing these three things will help ensure that the formal picture part of your wedding day will go smoothly and efficiently, allowing you more time to spend with your friends and family.

Wedding in the Hills

July 28, 2007

On an absolutely beautiful day in July, Ali and Mike tied the knot at the beautiful Zukas Hilltop Barn. The bride had a beautiful veil that extended past her train. I’ll always try to use whatever elements I have at hand when looking for interesting photographs. In this first image, the veil was key.

In the second picture, the border you see is what the edge of a film frame looks like. Shooting completely digitally, I am able to use these techniques artistically, and selectively.

In this last photo, the sun was setting so we had to move quickly. We stepped outside, I posed them quickly and snapped a few shots. I think they came out great. Again, the best photos are made using whatever elements are at hand and in this case, the sunset made the shot.

Congratulations to Emily and Mark who just got married. Emily planned ample time for pictures before and after the ceremony, and she has tons of great images because of it.

In planning the schedule for your wedding, you may want to consider over-estimating how long each event will take. Having more time creates a more relaxed atmosphere. Also, if there is a lot of extra time you can always spend it enjoying the company of the people who are close to you.

I have recently finished editing the wedding photos and these are a few of the artistic shots that I have just worked on. I hope you enjoy them.

E. D.